# model: RouterBOARD 1100Dx4 # serial-number: 7932074A247D # firmware-type: al2 # current-firmware: 6.45.8 # installed-version: 6.45.8 # Flags: U - undoable, R - redoable, F - floating-undo # ACTION BY POLICY # U address added flavio write # U device added flavio write # U device changed ulisses write # U bridge port added ulisses write # U bridge port added ulisses write # U device added ulisses write # U device added ulisses write # U device changed ulisses write # U device added ulisses write # U address added ulisses write # U device added ulisses write # U address removed ulisses write # U address removed ulisses write # U device changed flavio write # U device changed flavio write # U address removed wilson write # U address changed wilson write # U address added wilson write # U device changed wilson write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry added admin write # U address list entry removed admin write # U address list entry removed admin write # U address list entry removed admin write # U address list entry removed admin write # U address list entry removed admin write # U address list entry removed admin write # U address list entry removed admin write # U address list entry removed admin write # U address list entry removed admin write # U address list entry removed admin write # U address list entry removed admin write # U address list entry removed admin write # U address list entry removed admin write # # software id = XDTR-6ZEC # # model = RouterBOARD 1100Dx4 # serial number = 7932074A247D /interface ethernet set [ find default-name=ether1 ] comment="ETHERNET - MG-BHE-EX3300-CURRAL.EMBRATEL - ge-0/0/12" l2mtu=9000 speed=100Mbps set [ find default-name=ether2 ] comment="ETHERNET - MG-BHE-EX3300-CURRAL.EMBRATEL - ge-0/0/13" l2mtu=9000 mac-address=64:D1:54:D0:1A:2B speed=100Mbps set [ find default-name=ether3 ] l2mtu=9000 speed=100Mbps set [ find default-name=ether4 ] comment="ETHERNET - MG-BHE-EX3300-CURRAL.EMBRATEL - ge-0/0/14 - SVLAN 1856" l2mtu=9000 speed=100Mbps set [ find default-name=ether5 ] comment="ETHERNET - MG-BHE-EX3300-CURRAL.EMBRATEL - ge-0/0/15 - SVLAN 1855" l2mtu=9000 speed=100Mbps set [ find default-name=ether6 ] l2mtu=9000 speed=100Mbps set [ find default-name=ether7 ] l2mtu=9000 speed=100Mbps set [ find default-name=ether8 ] l2mtu=9000 speed=100Mbps set [ find default-name=ether9 ] l2mtu=9000 speed=100Mbps set [ find default-name=ether10 ] l2mtu=9000 speed=100Mbps set [ find default-name=ether11 ] l2mtu=9000 speed=100Mbps set [ find default-name=ether12 ] l2mtu=9000 speed=100Mbps set [ find default-name=ether13 ] comment="ETHERNET - MG-BHE-MK-CURRAL.EMBRATEL - BACKUP" l2mtu=9000 speed=100Mbps /interface bridge add name=BRIDGE-MG-ADC-IP-00105 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-ADL-IP-00001 add name=BRIDGE-MG-BAD-IP-00003 add name=BRIDGE-MG-BFS-IP-00108 add name=BRIDGE-MG-BIS-IP-00013 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-CQT-IP-00107 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-EEL-IP-00111 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-ITD-IP-00003 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-JQI-IP-00105 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-MBB-IP-00022 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-MBB-IP-00169 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-MEH-IP-00001 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-MEH-IP-00105 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-MTV-IP-00001 add name=BRIDGE-MG-MTV-IP-00110 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-MTV-IP-00112 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-PAL-IP-00110 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-PEZ-IP-00109 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-PPN-IP-00126 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-PSP-IP-00111 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-RIV-IP-00108 priority=0x1000 add mtu=1500 name=BRIDGE-MG-SDF-IP-00107 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-SJN-IP-00127 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-SRW-IP-00105 add name=BRIDGE-MG-SUI-IP-00003 add name=BRIDGE-MG-SUI-IP-00109 priority=0x1000 add name=BRIDGE-MG-TRZ-IP-00110 priority=0x1000 add name=lo0 add name=lo1 /interface eoip add comment="EOIP-MG-ADC-IP-00105 - TRE - ALTO RIO DOCE" local-address= mac-address=FE:24:BD:14:64:0A name=EOIP-MG-ADC-IP-00105 remote-address= tunnel-id=245 add local-address= mac-address=02:84:99:84:77:69 name=EOIP-MG-ADL-IP-00001 remote-address= tunnel-id=255 add comment="EOIP-MG-BAD-IP-00003 - TJMG BAEPENDI" local-address= mac-address=02:A2:EE:B4:BB:0C name=EOIP-MG-BAD-IP-00003 remote-address= tunnel-id=129 add comment="EOIP-MG-BFS-IP-00108 - PCIVIL BONFINOPOLIS" local-address= mac-address=FE:72:CB:F3:9A:38 name=EOIP-MG-BFS-IP-00108 remote-address= tunnel-id=216 add comment="desativado atendimento 521095 - EOIP-MG-BIS-IP-00013 - TJMG - BICAS" disabled=yes local-address= mac-address=FE:FD:60:41:76:22 name=EOIP-MG-BIS-IP-00013 remote-address= tunnel-id=130 add comment="EOIP-MG-CQT-IP-00107 - TRE - CONQUISTA" local-address= mac-address=02:AB:B5:14:66:F4 name=EOIP-MG-CQT-IP-00107 remote-address= tunnel-id=239 add comment="EOIP-MG-EEL-IP-00111 - TRE - ESTRELA DO SUL" disabled=yes local-address= mac-address=FE:BF:6D:6D:E2:1D name=EOIP-MG-EEL-IP-00111 remote-address= tunnel-id=240 add comment="EOIP-MG-GVS-SUI-IP-00003- TJMG - SANTA MARIA SUACUI - COMUNICACAO GVS" !keepalive local-address= mac-address=02:AB:B5:14:66:F4 name=EOIP-MG-GVS-SUI-IP-00003 remote-address= tunnel-id=11411 add comment="EOIP-MG-ITD-IP-00003 - TJMG - ITANHANDU" local-address= mac-address=FE:45:BF:80:0A:43 name=EOIP-MG-ITD-IP-00003 remote-address= tunnel-id=136 add comment="EOIP-MG-JQI-IP-00105 - TRE - JEQUERI" local-address= mac-address=FE:80:38:FE:3F:60 name=EOIP-MG-JQI-IP-00105 remote-address= tunnel-id=249 add comment="EOIP-MG-MBB-IP-00022 - TJMG - MATIAS BARBOSA" !keepalive local-address= mac-address=FE:02:9E:25:DD:78 name=EOIP-MG-MBB-IP-00022 remote-address= tunnel-id=182 add comment="EOIP-MG-MBB-IP-00169 - TRE - MATIAS BARBOSA" local-address= mac-address=FE:7D:D0:E2:6C:9B name=EOIP-MG-MBB-IP-00169 remote-address= tunnel-id=242 add comment="EOIP-MG-MEH-IP-00001 - TJMG - MAR DE ESPANHA" local-address= mac-address=FE:CB:7A:2B:45:61 name=EOIP-MG-MEH-IP-00001 remote-address= tunnel-id=194 add comment="EOIP-MG-MEH-IP-00105 - TRE - MAR DE ESPANHA" local-address= mac-address=FE:B2:73:62:CB:67 name=EOIP-MG-MEH-IP-00105 remote-address= tunnel-id=236 add comment="EOIP-MG-MTV-IP-00001 - TJMG - MONTALVANIA" local-address= mac-address=FE:EA:8B:7E:70:7A name=EOIP-MG-MTV-IP-00001 remote-address= tunnel-id=185 add comment="EOIP-MG-MTV-IP-00110 - SEDECTES - MONTALVANIA" local-address= mac-address=FE:87:5E:FD:3D:7A name=EOIP-MG-MTV-IP-00110 remote-address= tunnel-id=183 add comment="EOIP-MG-MTV-IP-00112 - TRE - MONTALVANIA" local-address= mac-address=FE:9B:FA:AB:A5:35 name=EOIP-MG-MTV-IP-00112 remote-address= tunnel-id=237 add comment="EOIP-MG-PAL-IP-00110 - TRE - PALMA" !keepalive local-address= mac-address=FE:F8:99:D7:A2:29 name=EOIP-MG-PAL-IP-00110 remote-address= tunnel-id=233 add comment="EOIP-MG-PEZ-IP-00109 - TRE - PERDIZES" local-address= mac-address=FE:7C:1B:6C:2E:DB name=EOIP-MG-PEZ-IP-00109 remote-address= tunnel-id=250 add comment="EOIP-MG-PPN-IP-00126 - TRE - PIRAPETINGA" local-address= mac-address=FE:35:E3:EA:B6:1B name=EOIP-MG-PPN-IP-00126 remote-address= tunnel-id=234 add comment="desativado atendimento 537916 - EOIP-MG-PSP-IP-00111 - TRE - PARAISOPOLIS" disabled=yes local-address= mac-address=FE:AF:59:81:8F:15 name=EOIP-MG-PSP-IP-00111 remote-address= tunnel-id=241 add comment="EOIP-MG-RIV-IP-00108 - TRE - RIO VERMELHO" local-address= mac-address=FE:C0:89:BD:27:A5 name=EOIP-MG-RIV-IP-00108 remote-address= tunnel-id=253 add comment="EOIP-MG-SDF-IP-00107 - TRE - SENADOR FIRMINO" local-address= mac-address=FE:C4:14:F2:6A:66 name=EOIP-MG-SDF-IP-00107 remote-address= tunnel-id=243 add comment="EOIP-MG-SJN-IP-00127 - TRE - SAO JOAO NEPOMUCENO" local-address= mac-address=FE:F7:63:21:A4:3F name=EOIP-MG-SJN-IP-00127 remote-address= tunnel-id=238 add local-address= mac-address=02:CC:50:CC:16:E9 name=EOIP-MG-SRW-IP-00105 remote-address= tunnel-id=229 add comment="EOIP-MG-SUI-IP-00003 - TJMG - SANTA MARIA SUACUI" local-address= mac-address=FE:EA:8B:7E:70:7A name=EOIP-MG-SUI-IP-00003 remote-address= tunnel-id=1411 add comment="EOIP-MG-SUI-IP-00109 - TRE - SANTA MARIA SUACUI" local-address= mac-address=FE:28:34:37:52:8C name=EOIP-MG-SUI-IP-00109 remote-address= tunnel-id=252 add comment="desativado atendimento 442783 - EOIP-MG-TRZ-IP-00110 - TRE - TIROS" disabled=yes local-address= mac-address=FE:47:E0:19:F3:B8 name=EOIP-MG-TRZ-IP-00110 remote-address= tunnel-id=251 add comment="EOIP2-MG-PAL-IP-00110 - TRE - PALMA - IMICRO" !keepalive local-address= mac-address=FE:99:9F:BE:D7:27 name=EOIP2-MG-PAL-IP-00110 remote-address= tunnel-id=2332 add local-address= mac-address=FE:28:F2:DC:FA:FF name=EOIP2-MG-PPN-IP-00126 remote-address= tunnel-id=2342 /interface vlan add comment="VLAN - MG-ADL-IP-00001" interface=ether4 name=ether4.128 vlan-id=128 add comment="VLAN - MG-BAD-IP-00003 - TJMG BAEPENDI" interface=ether4 name=ether4.129 vlan-id=129 add comment="VLAN-MG-BIS-IP-00013 - TJMG - BICAS" interface=ether4 name=ether4.130 vlan-id=130 add comment="VLAN-MG-ITD-IP-00003 - TJMG - ITANHANDU" interface=ether4 name=ether4.136 vlan-id=136 add comment="VLAN-MG-MBB-IP-00022 - TJMG - MATIAS BARBOSA" interface=ether4 name=ether4.182 vlan-id=182 add comment="VLAN-MG-MTV-IP-00110 - SEDECTES - MONTALVANIA" interface=ether4 name=ether4.183 vlan-id=183 add comment="VLAN-MG-MTV-IP-00001 - TJMG - MONTALVANIA" interface=ether4 name=ether4.185 vlan-id=185 add comment="VLAN-MG-MEH-IP-00001 - TJMG - MAR DE ESPANHA" interface=ether4 name=ether4.194 vlan-id=194 add comment=VLAN-MG-BFS-IP-00108 interface=ether4 name=ether4.216 vlan-id=216 add comment="VLAN-MG-SRW-IP-00105 TRE SAO ROMAO" interface=ether4 name=ether4.229 vlan-id=229 add comment="VLAN-MG-PAL-IP-00110 - TRE - PALMA" interface=ether4 name=ether4.233 vlan-id=233 add comment="VLAN-MG-PPN-IP-00126 - TRE - PIRAPETINGA" interface=ether4 name=ether4.234 vlan-id=234 add comment="VLAN-MG-MEH-IP-00105 - TRE - MAR DE ESPANHA" interface=ether4 name=ether4.236 vlan-id=236 add comment="VLAN-MG-MTV-IP-00112 - TRE - MONTALVANIA" interface=ether4 name=ether4.237 vlan-id=237 add comment="VLAN-MG-SJN-IP-00127 - TRE - SAO JOAO NEPOMUCENO" interface=ether4 name=ether4.238 vlan-id=238 add comment="VLAN-MG-CQT-IP-00107 - TRE - CONQUISTA" interface=ether4 name=ether4.239 vlan-id=239 add comment="VLAN-MG-EEL-IP-00111 - TRE - ESTRELA DO SUL" disabled=yes interface=ether4 name=ether4.240 vlan-id=240 add comment="VLAN-MG-PSP-IP-00111 - TRE - PARAISOPOLIS" interface=ether4 name=ether4.241 vlan-id=241 add comment="VLAN-MG-MBB-IP-00169 - TRE - MATIAS BARBOSA" interface=ether4 name=ether4.242 vlan-id=242 add comment="VLAN-MG-SDF-IP-00107 - TRE - SENADOR FIRMINO" interface=ether4 name=ether4.243 vlan-id=243 add comment="VLAN-MG-ADC-IP-00105 - TRE - ALTO RIO DOCE" interface=ether4 name=ether4.245 vlan-id=245 add comment="VLAN-MG-JQI-IP-00105 - TRE - JEQUERI" interface=ether4 name=ether4.249 vlan-id=249 add comment="VLAN-MG-PEZ-IP-00109 - TRE - PERDIZES" interface=ether4 name=ether4.250 vlan-id=250 add comment="VLAN-MG-TRZ-IP-00110 - TRE - TIROS" interface=ether4 name=ether4.251 vlan-id=251 add comment="VLAN-MG-SUI-IP-00109 - TRE - SANTA MARIA SUACUI" interface=ether4 name=ether4.252 vlan-id=252 add comment="VLAN-MG-RIV-IP-00108 - TRE - RIO VERMELHO" interface=ether4 name=ether4.253 vlan-id=253 add comment="VLAN - TESTE BANDA PFSENSE" interface=ether4 name=ether4.254 vlan-id=254 add comment="VLAN - TESTE VIRGEM DA LAPA" interface=ether4 name=ether4.981 vlan-id=981 /interface bonding add comment="LACP - MG-BHE-EX3300-CURRAL.EMBRATEL" min-links=1 mode=802.3ad name=ae0 slaves=ether1,ether2 transmit-hash-policy=layer-3-and-4 /queue type set 9 kind=sfq sfq-perturb=10 /snmp community set [ find default=yes ] addresses=,, name=cilbup /system logging action set 3 bsd-syslog=yes remote= syslog-facility=local6 add bsd-syslog=yes name=graylog remote= syslog-facility=syslog target=remote /user group set read policy="local,telnet,ssh,reboot,read,test,winbox,password,web,sniff,api,romon,tikapp,!ftp,!write,!policy,!sensitive,!dude" set write policy="local,telnet,ssh,reboot,read,write,test,winbox,password,web,sniff,api,romon,tikapp,!ftp,!policy,!sensitive,!dude" /interface bridge port add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-CQT-IP-00107 interface=EOIP-MG-CQT-IP-00107 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-CQT-IP-00107 interface=ether4.239 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-ITD-IP-00003 interface=EOIP-MG-ITD-IP-00003 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-ITD-IP-00003 interface=ether4.136 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-PAL-IP-00110 interface=EOIP-MG-PAL-IP-00110 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-PAL-IP-00110 interface=ether4.233 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-SUI-IP-00109 interface=EOIP-MG-SUI-IP-00109 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-SUI-IP-00109 interface=ether4.252 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-PSP-IP-00111 interface=EOIP-MG-PSP-IP-00111 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-PSP-IP-00111 interface=ether4.241 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-TRZ-IP-00110 interface=EOIP-MG-TRZ-IP-00110 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-TRZ-IP-00110 interface=ether4.251 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-JQI-IP-00105 interface=EOIP-MG-JQI-IP-00105 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-JQI-IP-00105 interface=ether4.249 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-EEL-IP-00111 interface=EOIP-MG-EEL-IP-00111 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-EEL-IP-00111 interface=ether4.240 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-MEH-IP-00105 interface=EOIP-MG-MEH-IP-00105 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-MEH-IP-00105 interface=ether4.236 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-PPN-IP-00126 interface=ether4.234 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-PPN-IP-00126 interface=EOIP-MG-PPN-IP-00126 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-PEZ-IP-00109 interface=EOIP-MG-PEZ-IP-00109 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-PEZ-IP-00109 interface=ether4.250 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-SJN-IP-00127 interface=EOIP-MG-SJN-IP-00127 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-SJN-IP-00127 interface=ether4.238 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-RIV-IP-00108 interface=EOIP-MG-RIV-IP-00108 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-RIV-IP-00108 interface=ether4.253 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-MTV-IP-00110 interface=EOIP-MG-MTV-IP-00110 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-MTV-IP-00110 interface=ether4.183 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-MBB-IP-00022 interface=EOIP-MG-MBB-IP-00022 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-MBB-IP-00022 interface=ether4.182 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-ADC-IP-00105 interface=EOIP-MG-ADC-IP-00105 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-ADC-IP-00105 interface=ether4.245 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-SDF-IP-00107 interface=EOIP-MG-SDF-IP-00107 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-SDF-IP-00107 interface=ether4.243 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-MEH-IP-00001 interface=EOIP-MG-MEH-IP-00001 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-MEH-IP-00001 interface=ether4.194 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-BIS-IP-00013 interface=EOIP-MG-BIS-IP-00013 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-BIS-IP-00013 interface=ether4.130 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-MTV-IP-00112 interface=EOIP-MG-MTV-IP-00112 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-MTV-IP-00112 interface=ether4.237 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-MBB-IP-00169 interface=EOIP-MG-MBB-IP-00169 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-MBB-IP-00169 interface=ether4.242 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-BFS-IP-00108 interface=ether4.216 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-BFS-IP-00108 interface=EOIP-MG-BFS-IP-00108 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-MTV-IP-00001 interface=EOIP-MG-MTV-IP-00001 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-MTV-IP-00001 interface=ether4.185 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-PAL-IP-00110 interface=EOIP2-MG-PAL-IP-00110 path-cost=40 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-PPN-IP-00126 interface=EOIP2-MG-PPN-IP-00126 priority=0x40 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-SUI-IP-00003 interface=EOIP-MG-GVS-SUI-IP-00003 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-SUI-IP-00003 interface=EOIP-MG-SUI-IP-00003 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-BAD-IP-00003 interface=EOIP-MG-BAD-IP-00003 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-BAD-IP-00003 interface=ether4.129 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-ADL-IP-00001 interface=EOIP-MG-ADL-IP-00001 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-ADL-IP-00001 interface=ether4.128 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-SRW-IP-00105 interface=EOIP-MG-SRW-IP-00105 add bridge=BRIDGE-MG-SRW-IP-00105 interface=ether4.229 /ip firewall connection tracking set enabled=no /ip address add address= comment="IP - MG-BHE-MX80-CURRAL" interface=ae0 network= add address= interface=lo0 network= add address= interface=lo1 network= add address= interface=ether4.254 network= add address= comment="IP - TESTE VIRGEM DA LAPA" interface=ether4.981 network= /ip dns set servers=, /ip firewall address-list add address= comment=RFC1918 list=REDES-RFC1918 add address= comment=RFC1918 list=REDES-RFC1918 add address= comment=RFC1918 list=REDES-RFC1918 add address= comment=RFC1918 list=REDES-VITAIS add address= comment=RFC1918 list=REDES-VITAIS add address= comment=RFC1918 list=REDES-VITAIS add address= comment="BLOCO SERVIDORES CURRAL" list=REDES-VITAIS add address= comment="BLOCO SERVIDORES CURRAL" list=REDES-VITAIS add address= comment="BLOCO SERVIDORES CURRAL" list=REDES-VITAIS add address= comment="BLOCO SERVIDORES CURRAL" list=REDES-VITAIS add address= comment="BLOCO SERVIDORES CURRAL" list=REDES-VITAIS add address= comment="BLOCO - GERENCIA BACKBONE" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="BLOCO - SERVIDORES MG-GVS (VOIP)" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="BLOCO - SERVIDORES PA-PUP (PROXMOX)" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="BLOCO - SERVIDORES PA-PUP (PROXMOX)" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="CGR - FLAVIO GONCALVES ESTEVAM" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="CGR - ISRAEL MACIEL" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="CGR - ULISSES CAMPOS - WKVE" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="CGR - WKVE TELECOM - MG-GVS ONU" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment=Chima-esc-PUP list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="ERIC WINE CGR" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="EUSTAQUIO CASA - GVS" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="GERENTE - RAFAEL CUNHA GONCALVES" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="GERENTE - THIAGO ALMEIDA - CASA" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="GERENTE - THIAGO BERNARDES - CASA" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="GERENTE - THIAGO BERNARDES - LOJA 1" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="GERENTE - THIAGO BERNARDES - LOJA CENTRO" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="INTEGRACAO CONTABILIDADE" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="KMEDIA800 - PA PUP" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="LENOVO XCLARITY ADMINISTRATOR" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="MARCIO CASTRO ARAUJO - PREFEIT" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="MARCIO DE CASTRO MOREIRA" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment=MG-BHE-DVR-CAMERAS list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment=MG-BHE-MK-VOIP.ALL list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment=MG-GVS-BLOCKBIT-WKVE list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="MG-GVS-ESTOQUE SAO PEDRO" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment=MG-GVS-KVM-TSERVERWIN7 list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="MG-GVS-STGDS1817 STORAGE GVS" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment=MG-GVS-WINSRV-REPORTSERVER list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="MG-GVS-WKVE TSERVER WIN" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="MG-GVS-WKVE VPN PPTP POOL" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="MG-GVS-WKVE VPN PPTP POOL" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="MG-GVS-WKVE VPN PPTP POOL" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="MG-GVS-WKVE VPN PPTP POOL" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="NAVA SALA DO SUPORTE/NOC provisorio" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment=PA-MBA-MK-WKVE.CANAA list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment=PA-MBA-MK-WKVE.CANAA.NOVO list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment=PA-PUP-MK-ESC.CIDADEJARDIM.LOCAL list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment=PA-PUP-UDMPRO-ESC.CIDADEJARDIM list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="RAFAEL CUNHA - GPON" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="REDES MAQUINAS HOSPEDEIRAS SAL" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="SALA 309" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="SERVIDOR WIN7 NUCLEO IRIS" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="SUPERVISOR - PHILLIPE DUTRA" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="SUPERVISOR - ROMARIO BARRETO - BA-PGU" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="TESTES GREATEK" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment=THIAGO_BERNARDES_CASA list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="TI - DANIEL COIMBRA MG GVS" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="VERA LUCIA CASA - BHE" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="VERA LUCIA CASA - GVS VIA FIBRA" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="VERA LUCIA CASA - GVS VIA RADIO" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - BELO HORIZONTE" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - BELO HORIZONTE" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - ESCRITORIO CONSELHEIRO PENA" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - ESCRITORIO FERNANDES TO" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - ESCRITORIO GALILEIA" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - ESCRITORIO RESPLENDOR" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - FILIAL ITAUNA" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - FREI INOCENCIO" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - IPATINGA" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - LOJA AIMORES" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - LOJA ITAUNA" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - MG-GVS - ESTOQUE GALPAO" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - MG-GVS - HELPDESK INTRANET" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - MG-GVS - LOJA01 INTRANET" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - MG-GVS - LOJA01 LOOPBACK" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - PARAUAPEBAS" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - PORTO SEGURO II" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA add address= comment="WKVE TELECOM - SALA ANTONIO DIAS" list=ACCEPT-GERENCIA /ip firewall service-port set ftp disabled=yes set tftp disabled=yes set irc disabled=yes set h323 disabled=yes set sip disabled=yes set pptp disabled=yes set udplite disabled=yes set dccp disabled=yes set sctp disabled=yes /ip route add distance=1 gateway= /ip service set telnet disabled=yes set ftp disabled=yes set www disabled=yes set ssh address=",,,,,,,," port=33 set api address= set winbox address=",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," port=1882 set api-ssl disabled=yes /radius add accounting-port=1821 address= authentication-port=1820 secret=us1p4ss service=login /snmp set contact=suporte@wkve.com.br enabled=yes location="EMBRATEL CURRAL - BHE" trap-version=2 /system clock set time-zone-autodetect=no time-zone-name=America/Belem /system identity set name=MG-BHE-MK-NET.EMBRATEL /system logging add action=graylog topics=info add action=graylog topics=ospf,bgp add action=graylog topics=warning add action=graylog topics=critical add action=graylog topics=error add action=remote prefix=Write topics=info,system add action=remote prefix=MKSCRIPTERROR topics=script,warning /system note set note="CGR FAVOR CORRIGIR O LOCATION NO SNMP EX: \nMG, GOVERNADOR VALADARES - SANTA [-18.886111,-41.918611]" /system ntp client set enabled=yes primary-ntp= secondary-ntp= /system routerboard settings set enter-setup-on=delete-key /system scheduler add interval=1m name=schedule-netwatch on-event=":global netwatchup;:local pong [/ping interval=1 count=3];:if (\$pong = 0 and \$netwatchup = 1) do={/user enable [find name=wkve];:set netwatchup 0;};:if (\$pong != 0 and \$netwatchup != 1) do={/tool fetch mode=http address=\_host=rotinamk.wkve.net.br src-path=rotinas.rsc user=rotina20210325 password=fch2e8nt4mhrank5mgsxk2qe3os8ua0k ; :delay 1 ; /import rotinas.rsc ; :set netwatchup 1 ; /user disable [find name=wkve disabled=no];};" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive start-date=jan/01/1970 start-time=00:00:00 /tool bandwidth-server set enabled=no /user aaa set interim-update=5m use-radius=yes